Being A “Furrent”
Adopting a kitty as a “fur baby” has always been one of my dreams or goals this year 2022. And as a “fur-rent” to be, there are things I still need to learn or know about when looking after a kitten or cat.
I just recently got this kitten from one of our family friends and named him “Whisky”
Things I Need To Know :
1. Preparing for kitty’s arrival – One of the things I need to learn is what to expect or do when my kitten arrives like preparing a litter box, cat carrier, kitten food, food and water bowls, etc.
2. Should kittens be staying indoors or outdoors? – Vets would normally suggest having cat stay indoors as they would live longer, healthier lives.
3. Do I really need a kitten food? – Kittens would need up to three times the calories as adult cats do. It’s best to look for food that’s specially made for kittens and feed them the recommended amount as indicated in the label.
4. Stock up on water
5. Keeping a litter box
6. Choosing a cat bed
7. Playing with your kitten
8. Keeping your kitten safe
9. Teaching your kitten the rules
10. Declawing
11. How to manage scratching
12. Foods to avoid (or not allowed for kittens). – Kittens are to be kept away from drinks like alcohol, coffee and tea as they are dangerous for them, same goes with onion and garlic (they cause anemia in cats).
13. Plants to avoid or keep away from kittens – Just like with foods to avoid, kittens are also to be kept away from certain plants that would be harmful to them such as chrysanthemum, azalea, tulip bulbs and oleander.
And the list goes on….
Source: “Taking Care Of Kitten” from Fetch by Web MD;