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Top Human Foods That Are Safe For Kittens/Cats

In my previous blog post, I did a research and blog post about certain foods to avoid for kittens or are unsafe to feed them with. Now I am taking you through top human foods which are safe for them. (Source: “12 Human Foods That Are Safe For Your Cat To Eat” by Tricia Goss from WKBW News;

Imagine this scenario where you’re in your living room enjoying your favorite TV show and munching on something then suddenly your fur baby starts sitting beside you , begging for a share of food. We’re tempted at times to give in or say no with a guilty or sorrowful face or even have second thoughts: “Should I give or should I not?”

Here’s a list with some or top human foods you can safely feed your feline fur baby:

  1. Fish – Feeding our fur baby oily fish like tuna or mackerel can help his eyesight, joints and brain.

2. Meat – Poultry (chicken) and other meat products such as beef and pork make a safe option for your furry little friend. Just make sure that it’s cooked well and free of any additives like sodium. Steer clear as well of any meats high in sodium like cold cuts or ham.

3. Cheese – wanting to share a piece of this food with your kitty? A slice or wedge of this would do as it is high in calcium and protein.

4. Bananas – Who says that only people or kids can benefit from eating this food staple? Even furry friends can enjoy them as they are healthy. Take note that these should only be given as a special treat due to their high sugar content.

5. Berries – Aside from bananas, blueberries and strawberries make a good pair of fruits to share with your fur baby (please , just don’t put them in a pie). Blueberries and strawberries are high in antioxidant but lower in sugar.

6. Melon – Also known as cantaloupe, kitties enjoy this fruit in small pieces, especially the honeydew and seedless ones.

7. Carrots – Although veggies are not really that required veggies in their diet, carrots can be a safe and healthy treat. Don’t forget to avoid the raw ones as they can cause or become a choking hazard.

8. Rice – Just like carrots, rice isn’t necessarily considered part of cats diet but a little bit of it won’t hurt.

9. Pumpkin – Pureed or oisterized pumpkin contains fiber and nutrients that can possibly help from constipation to hairballs.

10. Oatmeal – Oats can be very beneficial to your cat’s oveall health as they contain fiber, iron and protein.

11. Eggs- Eggs that are rich in protein are another healthy alternative to feed to your feline companion. Just make sure they are well cooked as raw ones can lead to salmonella or E. coli.

12. Spinach – Nope! It’s not Popeye the sailor man we’re talking about but your cute feline friend. The reason why spinach is safe or may be safe is that it is high in vitamins, only with the exception to those who have kidney or urinary problems.

So there goes your list of top 12 human foods that are safe to feed your kittens. Which of these foods listed above is your favorite?

If you want to know more which human foods can be safely fed to kittens, here’s a link of a video:


“12 Human Foods That Are Safe For Your Cat To Eat” by Tricia Goss from WKBW News;


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