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Work Resignation?

Often at times, it’s normal for people to start having thoughts of resigning from work, especially when the task already seems too burdensome or overhwelming, no matter how easy it maybe.

People may start to feel like they no longer find fulfillment in every task they try to accomplish , which is exactly the same with my case. It’s not just the task at times, but the feeling that you’re no longer satisifed or happy with the work you currently have – it’s not the salary either , not even the boss or co-workers.

What Maybe The Reason People Are Unhappy At Work?

  1. Boredom – It’s normal for people to feel unmotivated and seek out diversions to real work (i.e updating social media , shopping, chatting with friends). They may even find themselves bored as they have been doing the same thing for too long.

  2. The Feeling Of Being Overloaded With Responsibilities – When you feel like you’re being overloaded with more tasks and responsibilities but are too shy or afraid to say “No” to your boss is something that can really be overwhelming. To be honest, I have this fear of having to tell my boss the reason why I want to quit my job already and why I’m no longer happy with it , as much as I want to be honest with her about the reason why I don’t feel too happy with it anymore.

  3. A Feeling Of Being Stifled And Unfulfilled – Another reason why I’m unhappy at work is that I no longer find fulfillment with the work I do – it’s just like I’m just dragging myself to do it even though I know in myself I don’t like the tasks anymore or no longer find it enjoying and fulfilling.

  4. Bored/Unchallenged (Also feeling trapped in the job) – I’ve felt this a lot of times already – the feeling that there’s just no way of quitting a job – even though I already want to. There are a lot of things I have to consider once I quit the job (Where do I get money for paying my phone bills or leisures like buy the things I want when I quit my work? , What happens next?)

  5. Giving Up On Your Dreams – I know the feeling. You chose the career your parents wanted you to have rather than the one you really wanted for yourself – and that feeling alone is already discouraging. The pressure of having to please your parents and make them proud of you for choosing the career they wanted you to pursue but you don’t find them fulfilling on your part can be frustrating. Same goes with going for the job you really wanted to have.

  6. Feeling Powerless Over Your Career – Another frustrating feeling is that when you know you don’t have any say over your work or career or giving up control of your career to someone else.

Source: “8 Resons You’re Unhappy At Work” by Cynthia Ramnarace from Her Money;

I’ll end with a few of these reasons in mind.

What makes you feel unhappy at work? Is it the boredom? the feeling of being overloaded? You’re feeling stifled and unfulfilled?


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