What Your Frequent Nightmares Tell You
Do you usually wake up in the middle of the night or in the wee hours, fearing about something happening in the future? Do you usually stay up all night, fearing to go to sleep? What is it you often dream about?
Having frequent bad dreams at night could possibly tell you there’s something wrong about your health. Nightmares are often classified as dream sequence that seem realistic and keep the person awake. (“What Nightmares Can Tell Us About Our Health” by Nina Avramova, CNN) .
Nightmares can also be an indicator of mental health problems such as anxiety, PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) and depression.
A nightmare disorder can be referred to as parasomia which is a type of disorder involving undesirable experiences when you’re falling asleep, during sleep or even when you’re awake. (“Nightmare Disorder” from Mayo Clinic)
Nightmares can be triggered by a lot of factors, such as:
Stress or anxiety
Sleep deprivation
Substance misuse
Other disorders
Scary books and movies